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can a python script know that another instance of the same script is running... and then talk to it?

I'd like to prevent multiple instances of the same long-running python command-line script from running at the same time, and I'd like the new instance to be able to send data to the original instance before the new instance commits suicide. How can I do this in a cross-platform way?

Specifically, I'd like to enable the following behavior:

  1. "foo.py" is launched from the command line, and it will stay running for a long time-- days or weeks until the machine is rebooted or the parent process kills it.
  2. every few minutes the same script is launched again, but with different command-line parameters
  3. when launched, the script should see if any other instances are running.
  4. if other instances are running, then instance #2 should send its command-line parameters to instance #1, and then instance #2 should exit.
  5. instance #1, if it receives command-line parameters from another script, should spin up a new thread and (using the command-line parameters sent in the step above) start performing the work that instance #2 was going to perform.

So I'm looking for two things: how can a python program know another instance of itself is running, and then how can one python command-line program communicate with another?

Making this more complicated, the same script needs to run on both Windows and Linux, so ideally the solution would use only the Python standard library and not any OS-specific calls. Although if I need to have a Windows codepath and an *nix codepath (and a big if statement in my code to choose one or the other), that's OK if a "same code" solution isn't possible.

I realize I could probably work out a file-based approach (e.g. instance #1 watches a directory for changes and each instance drops a file into that directory when it wants to do work) but I'm a little concerned about cleaning up those files after a non-graceful machine shutdown. I'd ideally be able to use an in-memory solution. But again I'm flexible, if a persistent-file-based approach is the only way to do it, I'm open to that option.

More details: I'm trying to do this because our servers are using a monitoring tool which supports running python scripts to collect monitoring data (e.g. results of a database query or web service call) which the monitoring tool then indexes for later use. Some of these scripts are very expensive to start up but cheap to run after startup (e.g. making a DB connection vs. running a query). So we've chosen to keep them running in an infinite loop until the parent process kills them.

This works great, but on larger servers 100 instances of the same script may be running, even if they're only gathering data every 20 minutes each. This wreaks havoc with RAM, DB connection limits, etc. We want to switch from 100 processes with 1 thread to one process with 100 threads, each executing the work that, previously, one script was doing.

But changing how the scripts are invoked by the monitoring tool is not possible. We need to keep invocation the same (launch a process with different command-line parameters) but but change the scripts to recognize that another one is active, and have the "new" script send its work instructions (from the command line params) over to the "old" script.

BTW, this is not something I want to do on a one-script basis. Instead, I want to package this behavior into a library which many script authors can leverage-- my goal is to enable script authors to write simple, single-threaded scripts which are unaware of multi-instance issues, and to handle the multi-threading and single-instancing under the covers.

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Justin Grant Avatar asked May 29 '10 16:05

Justin Grant

1 Answers

The Alex Martelli approach of setting up a communications channel is the appropriate one. I would use a multiprocessing.connection.Listener to create a listener, in your choice. Documentation at: http://docs.python.org/library/multiprocessing.html#multiprocessing-listeners-clients

Rather than using AF_INET (sockets) you may elect to use AF_UNIX for Linux and AF_PIPE for Windows. Hopefully a small "if" wouldn't hurt.

Edit: I guess an example wouldn't hurt. It is a basic one, though.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from multiprocessing.connection import Listener, Client
import socket
from array import array
from sys import argv

def myloop(address):
        listener = Listener(*address)
        conn = listener.accept()
    except socket.error, e:
        conn = Client(*address)
        conn.send('this is a client')

def serve(conn):
    while True:
        msg = conn.recv()
        if msg.upper() == 'CLOSE':
        print msg

if __name__ == '__main__':
    address = ('/tmp/testipc', 'AF_UNIX')

This works on OS X, so it needs testing with both Linux and (after substituting the right address) Windows. A lot of caveats exists from a security point, the main one being that conn.recv unpickles its data, so you are almost always better of with recv_bytes.

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Muhammad Alkarouri Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

Muhammad Alkarouri