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reCAPTCHA triggering Java warning in IE

We recently added reCAPTCHA 2.0 to our site and now we're occasionally getting a message from IE about Java. Here is the message:

The page you are viewing uses Java. More information on Java support is available from the Microsoft website.

IE Warning message

Our site does not make use of Java on the client (no applets, etc.) so this is unexpected. This appears to happen when the user clicks "I am not a robot" and before the user is verified. It happens only on machines without Java installed, and seems to happen only once and then a reboot is required to get it to appear again.

Any else experiencing this?

like image 589
GDefender Avatar asked Aug 13 '15 15:08


1 Answers

In the beginning, there were many implementations of reCAPTCHA, and you could choose the one that best suits your application. Reading the documentation suggests to me that the reCAPTCHA widget may, indeed, be a Java control, or that the control that loads into a page that runs in Internet Explorer is a Java applet. Since Internet Explorer is deprecated, I suspect that Google hasn't bothered to update it, and probably won't.

like image 152
David A. Gray Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10

David A. Gray