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Should we support IE6 anymore? [closed]

Are we supposed to find workarounds in our web applications so that they will work in every situation? Is it time to do away with IE6 programming?

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Niyaz Avatar asked Aug 17 '08 18:08


1 Answers

It's all about putting in enough effort so that your site degrades gracefully as you go to older and older browsers (or for disabled users). Unfortunately, there are a lot of IE6 and IE7 users out there who more or less can't switch, so it seems unlikely that your site will force many to do so. If your site just looks bad, that's okay. If it's unusable, you have a real problem. In general, the more you adhere to current standards (instead of just chasing the latest browsers), the better you'll end up in old browsers without extra effort.

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Eric Mickelsen Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 07:10

Eric Mickelsen