Where can I find some real world typo statistics?
I'm trying to match people's input text to internal objects, and people tend to make spelling mistakes.
There are 2 kinds of mistakes:
- "Helllo" instead of "Hello" / "Satudray" instead of "Saturday" etc. -
- "Shikago" instead of "Chicago"
I use Damerau-Levenshtein distance for the typos and Double Metaphone for spelling (Python implementations here and here).
I want to focus on the Damerau-Levenshtein (or simply edit-distance
). The textbook implementations always use '1' for the weight of deletions, insertions substitutions and transpositions. While this is simple and allows for nice algorithms it doesn't match "reality" / "real-world probabilities".
- I'm sure the likelihood of "Helllo" ("Hello") is greater than "Helzlo", yet they are both 1 edit distance away.
- "Gello" is closer than "Qello" to "Hello" on a QWERTY keyboard.
- Unicode transliterations: What is the "real" distance between "München" and "Munchen"?
What should the "real world" weights be for deletions, insertions, substitutions, and transpositions?
Even Norvig's very cool spell corrector uses non-weighted edit distance.
BTW- I'm sure the weights need to be functions and not simple floats (per the above examples)...
I can adjust the algorithm, but where can I "learn" these weights? I don't have access to Google-scale data...
Should I just guess them?
EDIT - trying to answer user questions:
- My current non-weighted algorithm fails often when faced with typos for the above reasons. "Return on Tursday": every "real person" can easily tell Thursday is more likely than Tuesday, yet they are both 1-edit-distance away! (Yes, I do log and measure my performance).
- I'm developing an NLP Travel Search engine, so my dictionary contains ~25K destinations (expected to grow to 100K), Time Expressions ~200 (expected 1K), People expressions ~100 (expected 300), Money Expressions ~100 (expected 500), "glue logic words" ("from", "beautiful", "apartment") ~2K (expected 10K) and so on...
- Usage of the edit distance is different for each of the above word-groups. I try to "auto-correct when obvious", e.g. 1 edit distance away from only 1 other word in the dictionary. I have many other hand-tuned rules, e.g. Double Metaphone fix which is not more than 2 edit distance away from a dictionary word with a length > 4... The list of rules continues to grow as I learn from real world input.
- "How many pairs of dictionary entries are within your threshold?": well, that depends on the "fancy weighting system" and on real world (future) input, doesn't it? Anyway, I have extensive unit tests so that every change I make to the system only makes it better (based on past inputs, of course). Most sub-6 letter words are within 1 edit distance from a word that is 1 edit distance away from another dictionary entry.
- Today when there are 2 dictionary entries at the same distance from the input I try to apply various statistics to better guess which the user meant (e.g. Paris, France is more likely to show up in my search than Pārīz, Iran).
- The cost of choosing a wrong word is returning semi-random (often ridiculous) results to the end-user and potentially losing a customer. The cost of not understanding is slightly less expensive: the user will be asked to rephrase.
- Is the cost of complexity worth it? Yes, I'm sure it is. You would not believe the amount of typos people throw at the system and expect it to understand, and I could sure use the boost in Precision and Recall.
Possible source for real world typo statistics would be in the Wikipedia's complete edit history.
Also, you might be interested in the AWB's RegExTypoFix