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opencv python documentation [closed]

Recently, I want to use the OpenCV library in Python, but the documentation of Python binding of OpenCV is very unclear and insufficient. I want to ask where to find some detailed documentation of Python binding of OpenCV. Previously I used OpenCV in C++, and the documentation is very helpful, more over I can go to the source code of it where I was in doubt. But the source code of Python binding doesn't provide much information, I think. For example, it takes me a long time to find out that the CV_8UC1 flag is in the module cv2.CV_8UC1, but the flag CV_CAP_PROP_FPS is in the module cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS.

like image 274
Jun Wang Avatar asked Aug 29 '14 01:08

Jun Wang

1 Answers

There doesn't seem to be any nice documentations. Sometimes information is provided about the Python API as part of the normal documentation.

To get started and to get a feel for how the Python OpenCV interface works, have a look at the official Python tutorials.

like image 127
Unapiedra Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 08:10
