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Reading a delimited string into an array in Bash

People also ask

How do you append to an array in bash?

To append element(s) to an array in Bash, use += operator.

How do you store grep output in an array?

You can use: targets=($(grep -HRl "pattern" .)) Note use of (...) for array creation in BASH. Also you can use grep -l to get only file names in grep 's output (as shown in my command).

In order to convert a string into an array, please use



read -a arr <<< $line

It is crucial not to use quotes since this does the trick.

Try this:

arr=(`echo ${line}`);

In: arr=( $line ). The "split" comes associated with "glob".
Wildcards (*,? and []) will be expanded to matching filenames.

The correct solution is only slightly more complex:

IFS=' ' read -a arr <<< "$line"

No globbing problem; the split character is set in $IFS, variables quoted.

If you need parameter expansion, then try:

eval "arr=($line)"

For example, take the following code.

line='a b "c d" "*" *'
eval "arr=($line)"
for s in "${arr[@]}"; do 
    echo "$s"

If the current directory contained the files a.txt, b.txt and c.txt, then executing the code would produce the following output.

c d