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Check whether an array is empty [duplicate]




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How do I check if an array has duplicates?

To check if an array contains duplicates: Use the Array. some() method to iterate over the array. Check if the index of the first occurrence of the current value is NOT equal to the index of its last occurrence. If the condition is met, then the array contains duplicates.

Is an empty array null JavaScript?

isArray() method. This method returns true if the Object passed as a parameter is an array. It also checks for the case if the array is undefined or null. The array can be checked if it is empty by using the array.

Is empty array falsey?

Values not on the list of falsy values in JavaScript are called truthy values and include the empty array [] or the empty object {} . This means almost everything evaluates to true in JavaScript — any object and almost all primitive values, everything but the falsy values.

How check if array is empty C#?

To check if an given array is empty or not, we can use the built-in Array. Length property in C#. Alternatively, we can also use the Array. Length property to check if a array is null or empty in C#.

There are two elements in array and this definitely doesn't mean that array is empty. As a quick workaround you can do following:

$errors = array_filter($errors);

if (!empty($errors)) {

array_filter() function's default behavior will remove all values from array which are equal to null, 0, '' or false.

Otherwise in your particular case empty() construct will always return true if there is at least one element even with "empty" value.

You can also check it by doing.

if(count($array) > 0)
    echo 'Error';
    echo 'No Error';

Try to check it's size with sizeof if 0 no elements.

PHP's built-in empty() function checks to see whether the variable is empty, null, false, or a representation of zero. It doesn't return true just because the value associated with an array entry is false, in this case the array has actual elements in it and that's all that's evaluated.

If you'd like to check whether a particular error condition is set to true in an associative array, you can use the array_keys() function to filter the keys that have their value set to true.

$set_errors = array_keys( $errors, true );

You can then use the empty() function to check whether this array is empty, simultaneously telling you whether there are errors and also which errors have occurred.

array with zero elements converts to false


However, empty($error) still returns true, even though nothing is set.

That's not how empty() works. According to the manual, it will return true on an empty array only. Anything else wouldn't make sense.

From the PHP-documentation:

Returns FALSE if var has a non-empty and non-zero value.

The following things are considered to be empty:

"" (an empty string)
0 (0 as an integer)
0.0 (0 as a float)
"0" (0 as a string)
array() (an empty array)
var $var; (a variable declared, but without a value in a class)