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Disable Laravel's Eloquent timestamps

People also ask

How to turn off timestamps in Laravel?

Enable or Disable Timestamps Model Wise We can also disable or enable timestamps for model by just adding public $timestamps = false; for disabling timestamp and public $timestamps = false; for enabling timestamps into Model.

How to ignore updated_ at in Laravel?

Simply place this line in your Model:public $timestamps = false; And that's it!

What is the use of timestamps in Laravel?

Timestamps allows you to automatically record the time of certain events against your entities. This can be used to provide similar behaviour to the timestamps feature in Laravel's Eloquent ORM.

What is eloquent ORM?

Eloquent is an object relational mapper (ORM) that is included by default within the Laravel framework. An ORM is software that facilitates handling database records by representing data as objects, working as a layer of abstraction on top of the database engine used to store an application's data.

You either have to declare public $timestamps = false; in every model, or create a BaseModel, define it there, and have all your models extend it instead of eloquent. Just bare in mind pivot tables MUST have timestamps if you're using Eloquent.

Update: Note that timestamps are no longer REQUIRED in pivot tables after Laravel v3.

Update: You can also disable timestamps by removing $table->timestamps() from your migration.

Simply place this line in your Model:

public $timestamps = false;

And that's it!



namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    public $timestamps = false;


To disable timestamps for one operation (e.g. in a controller):

$post->content = 'Your content'; 
$post->timestamps = false; // Will not modify the timestamps on save

To disable timestamps for all of your Models, create a new BaseModel file:


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class BaseModel extends Model
    public $timestamps = false;


Then extend each one of your Models with the BaseModel, like so:


namespace App;

class Post extends BaseModel

If you are using 5.5.x:

const UPDATED_AT = null;

And for 'created_at' field, you can use:

const CREATED_AT = null;

Make sure you are on the newest version. (This was broken in Laravel 5.5.0 and fixed again in 5.5.5).

If you only need to only to disable updating updated_at just add this method to your model.

public function setUpdatedAtAttribute($value)
    // to Disable updated_at

This will override the parent setUpdatedAtAttribute() method. created_at will work as usual. Same way you can write a method to disable updating created_at only.

In case you want to remove timestamps from existing model, as mentioned before, place this in your Model:

public $timestamps = false;

Also create a migration with following code in the up() method and run it:

Schema::table('your_model_table', function (Blueprint $table) {

You can use $table->timestamps() in your down() method to allow rolling back.

Eloquent Model:

class User extends Model    
    protected $table = 'users';

    public $timestamps = false;

Or Simply try this

$users = new Users();
$users->timestamps = false;
$users->name = 'John Doe';
$users->email = '[email protected]';

just declare the public timestamps variable in your Model to false and everything will work great.

public $timestamps = false;