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Read a file form web-app



Inside a grails application, I need to upload a file under web-app/js, add a prefix, and put it in S3. I'm having trouble figuring out how to read the js file in a way that will work in development (/web-app/js) and production (/js). I'm doing this from inside a domain object.

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Steve Brewer Avatar asked Apr 04 '10 07:04

Steve Brewer

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1 Answers

In your controllers, you can call :

def jsFolder = grailsAttributes.getApplicationContext().getResource("js/").getFile()

and then proceed with jsFolder. To determine the base directory of a running Grails application, use

String dir = applicationContent.getResource("/").getFile()

Getting the js path from a service is a little bit tricky:

You need to implement the ApplicationContextAware interface like this :

class MyService implements ApplicationContextAware {
ApplicationContext applicationContext

However, calling this code from a domain class is not a good idea (see this thread for some explanations) and I am not even sure if it's possible except from getting paths from manual configurations

Hope it helps.

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fabien7474 Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 19:11
