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Email verification in grails

I am new with grails and am developing a web application in grails.

In my registration page I am getting the user's email id and I need to send a mail with authentication link.



I have referred these pages and many other pages to do this task. But the problem is, my email is not sending.

I have used

Gmail SMTP server address : smtp.gmail.com
Gmail SMTP username : [email protected]
Gmail SMTP password : -my password-
Gmail SMTP port : 465
Gmail SMTP TLS/SSL required : yes

Mail settings are:

grails { 
    mail { 
        host = "smtp.gmail.com" 
        port = 465 
        username = "[email protected]" 
        password = "mypassword" 
        props = [
            "mail.smtp.socketFactory.class": "javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory",
grails.mail.default.from="[email protected]"

but at least

sendMail {     
  to "[email protected]"     
  subject "Hello "     
  body 'How are you?' 

is not working.

The exception occured is

Error 500: Internal Server Error

    Connection refused

Around line 104 of MailMessageBuilder.groovy

101:            log.trace("Sending mail ${getDescription(message)}} ...")102:        }103:104:        mailSender.send(message instanceof MimeMailMessage ? message.mimeMessage : message)105:106:        if (log.traceEnabled) {107:            log.trace("Sent mail ${getDescription(message)}} ...")

Around line 41 of grails-app/services/grails/plugin/mail/MailService.groovy

38:        callable.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST39:        callable.call()40:41:        messageBuilder.sendMessage()42:    }43:44:    def getMailConfig() {

Around line 18 of grails-app/controllers/user/UserController.groovy

15:            return16:        }17:18:        mailService.sendMail {19:            to userInstance.email20:            subject "New User Confirmation"21:            html g.render(template:"mailtemplate",model:[code:userInstance.confirmCode])

Around line 195 of PageFragmentCachingFilter.java

192:            if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(cacheOperations)) {193:             log.debug("No cacheable annotation found for {}:{} {}",194:                     new Object[] { request.getMethod(), request.getRequestURI(), getContext() });195:               chain.doFilter(request, response);196:              return;197:         }198:

Around line 63 of AbstractFilter.java

60:     try {61:            // NO_FILTER set for RequestDispatcher forwards to avoid double gzipping62:         if (filterNotDisabled(request)) {63:                doFilter(request, response, chain);64:          }65:            else {66:               chain.doFilter(req, res);

this is the exception

like image 521
JayKay Avatar asked Mar 12 '14 05:03


1 Answers

Try this it's worked for me. Notice that: Gmail SMTP TLS/SSL required : yes. But you don't put "mail.smtp.starttls.enable": "true"

grails.mail.props = ['mail.smtp.auth': "true",
        "mail.smtp.starttls.enable": "true",
grails.mail.javaMailProperties = ['mail.smtp.auth': "true",
        "mail.smtp.starttls.enable": "true",
like image 95
Giuseppe Iacobucci Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

Giuseppe Iacobucci