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remoteLink deprecated in Grails 2.4, now what?




I noticed in Grails 2.4 documentation (http://grails.org/doc/latest/ref/Tags/remoteLink.html), it mentioned the remoteLink tag is now deprecated.

But I don't understand the second part of the warning:

"Applications may provide their own Ajax tags and/or Javascript plugins may provide Ajax tags of their own".

So it will be simply removed so we shouldn't use it at all? What is the replacement for that?


like image 787
Sam Mo Avatar asked Jul 18 '14 20:07

Sam Mo

1 Answers

Basically, they're removing the tags because they don't add much value, and instead contribute to bad design patterns - they're too low level. It's usually best to play within whatever Javascript frameworks you're using, and make higher level tags that make the AJAX calls for a purpose, rather than having a Grails tag JUST for making an AJAX call.

https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/grails-dev-discuss/IXvqDUr6CIE https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/grails-dev-discuss/4yesijtFSB4

like image 134
CAleeky Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 16:10
