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R Change IP Address programmatically

Currently changing user_agent by passing different strings to the html_session() method.

Is there also a way to change your IP address on a timer when scraping a website?

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tonyk Avatar asked Jan 04 '17 14:01


1 Answers

You can use a proxy (which changes your ip) via use_proxy as follows:

html_session("you-url", use_proxy("proxy-ip", port))

For more details see: ?httr::use_proxy

To check if it is working you can do the following:


content(GET("https://ifconfig.co/json"), "parsed")
content(GET("https://ifconfig.co/json", use_proxy("", 31288)), "parsed")

The first call will return your IP. The second call should return as ip.

This Proxy was taken from http://proxylist.hidemyass.com/ - no garantees for anything...

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Rentrop Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 02:11
