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Python: convert matrix to positive semi-definite

I'm currently working on kernel methods, and at some point I needed to make a non positive semi-definite matrix (i.e. similarity matrix) into one PSD matrix. I tried this approach:

def makePSD(mat):
    #make symmetric
    k = (mat+mat.T)/2
    #make PSD
    min_eig = np.min(np.real(linalg.eigvals(mat)))
    e = np.max([0, -min_eig + 1e-4])
    mat = k + e*np.eye(mat.shape[0]);
    return mat

but it fails if I test the resulting matrix with the following function:

def isPSD(A, tol=1e-8):
    E,V = linalg.eigh(A)
    return np.all(E >= -tol)

I also tried the approach suggested in other related question (How can I calculate the nearest positive semi-definite matrix?), but the resulting matrix also failed to pass the isPSD test.

Do you have any suggestions on how to correctly make such transformation correctly?

like image 459
user1231818 Avatar asked Apr 05 '17 17:04


People also ask

How do you force a matrix to be positive Semidefinite?

To compute a positive semidefinite matrix simply take any rectangular m by n matrix (m < n) and multiply it by its transpose. I.e. if B is an m by n matrix, with m < n, then B'*B is a semidefinite matrix. I hope this helps. If A has full rank, AA' is still semidefinite positive.

How do you find the positive definite matrix in python?

So $A$ is positive definite iff $A+A^T$ is positive definite, iff all the eigenvalues of $A+A^T$ are positive. This is the only answer properly answering the question by OP : "how to determine if a matrix is DP".

How do you know if a matrix is positive Semidefinite?

Let A be a symmetric matrix, and Q(x) = xT Ax the corresponding quadratic form. Definitions. Q and A are called positive semidefinite if Q(x) ≥ 0 for all x. They are called positive definite if Q(x) > 0 for all x = 0.

What is a Semidefinite matrix?

In the last lecture a positive semidefinite matrix was defined as a symmetric matrix with non-negative eigenvalues. The original definition is that a matrix M ∈ L(V ) is positive semidefinite iff, 1. M is symmetric, 2. vT Mv ≥ 0 for all v ∈ V .

1 Answers

First thing I’d say is don’t use eigh for testing positive-definiteness, since eigh assumes the input is Hermitian. That’s probably why you think the answer you reference isn’t working.

I didn’t like that answer because it had an iteration (and, I couldn’t understand its example), nor the other answer there it doesn’t promise to give you the best positive-definite matrix, i.e., the one closest to the input in terms of the Frobenius norm (squared-sum of elements). (I have absolutely no idea what your code in your question is supposed to do.)

I do like this Matlab implementation of Higham’s 1988 paper: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/42885-nearestspd so I ported it to Python (edit updated for Python 3):

from numpy import linalg as la
import numpy as np

def nearestPD(A):
    """Find the nearest positive-definite matrix to input

    A Python/Numpy port of John D'Errico's `nearestSPD` MATLAB code [1], which
    credits [2].

    [1] https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/42885-nearestspd

    [2] N.J. Higham, "Computing a nearest symmetric positive semidefinite
    matrix" (1988): https://doi.org/10.1016/0024-3795(88)90223-6

    B = (A + A.T) / 2
    _, s, V = la.svd(B)

    H = np.dot(V.T, np.dot(np.diag(s), V))

    A2 = (B + H) / 2

    A3 = (A2 + A2.T) / 2

    if isPD(A3):
        return A3

    spacing = np.spacing(la.norm(A))
    # The above is different from [1]. It appears that MATLAB's `chol` Cholesky
    # decomposition will accept matrixes with exactly 0-eigenvalue, whereas
    # Numpy's will not. So where [1] uses `eps(mineig)` (where `eps` is Matlab
    # for `np.spacing`), we use the above definition. CAVEAT: our `spacing`
    # will be much larger than [1]'s `eps(mineig)`, since `mineig` is usually on
    # the order of 1e-16, and `eps(1e-16)` is on the order of 1e-34, whereas
    # `spacing` will, for Gaussian random matrixes of small dimension, be on
    # othe order of 1e-16. In practice, both ways converge, as the unit test
    # below suggests.
    I = np.eye(A.shape[0])
    k = 1
    while not isPD(A3):
        mineig = np.min(np.real(la.eigvals(A3)))
        A3 += I * (-mineig * k**2 + spacing)
        k += 1

    return A3

def isPD(B):
    """Returns true when input is positive-definite, via Cholesky"""
        _ = la.cholesky(B)
        return True
    except la.LinAlgError:
        return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import numpy as np
    for i in range(10):
        for j in range(2, 100):
            A = np.random.randn(j, j)
            B = nearestPD(A)
            assert (isPD(B))
    print('unit test passed!')

In addition to just finding the nearest positive-definite matrix, the above library includes isPD which uses the Cholesky decomposition to determine whether a matrix is positive-definite. This way, you don’t need any tolerances—any function that wants a positive-definite will run Cholesky on it, so it’s the absolute best way to determine positive-definiteness.

It also has a Monte Carlo-based unit test at the end. If you put this in posdef.py and run python posdef.py, it’ll run a unit-test that passes in ~a second on my laptop. Then in your code you can import posdef and call posdef.nearestPD or posdef.isPD.

The code is also in a Gist if you do that.

like image 104
Ahmed Fasih Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10

Ahmed Fasih