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How do I convert a complex number?



I built a calculator for a bio equation, and I think I've narrowed down the source of my problem, which is a natural log I take:

goldman = ((R * T) / F) * cmath.log(float(top_row) / float(bot_row))

print("Membrane potential: " + str(goldman) + "V"

My problem is that it will only display the output in a complex form:

Membrane potential: (0.005100608207126714+0j)V

Is there any way of getting this to print as a floating number? Nothing I've tried has worked.

like image 899
Sartorible Avatar asked Feb 16 '16 04:02


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1 Answers

Complex numbers have a real part and an imaginary part:

>>> c = complex(1, 0)
>>> c
>>> c.real

It looks like you just want the real part... so:

print("Membrane potential: " + str(goldman.real) + "V"
like image 180
mgilson Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 15:11
