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How to shift a string to right in python?



I tried shifting a string to right

  • the last value should be the first and the rest follows
  • s= "I Me You" should return "You I Me"

I tried the following code but it doesn't work please help me out..

sr= "I Me You"
def shift_right(sr):

    new_list= new_list.append(1,L[:0])
    return (new_list)

print (shift_reverse(sr))
like image 242
Zeeran Avatar asked Apr 30 '15 21:04


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2 Answers

And now ...

Contest time

Maybe what is more interesting is what is the faster approach?.

First test by the OP test string (just 3 chunks) and the second test by a string of 600 one char chunks.

from collections import deque
import timeit

def trivial(s):
    l = s.split()
    return ' '.join(l[-1:] + l[:-1])

def more_split(s):
    return ' '.join([s.split()[-1]] + s.split()[:-1])

def dq(s):
    s_deq = deque(s.split())
    return ' '.join(s_deq)

def find_and_slice(s):
    lsi = s.rfind(' ')
    return s[lsi+1:] + ' ' + s[:lsi]

def rs_lazy(s):
    return ' '.join(reversed(s.rsplit(maxsplit=1)))

def rs_smart(s):
    rs = s.rsplit(maxsplit=1)
    return rs[1] + ' ' + rs[0]

def rpart(s):
    part = s.rpartition(' ')
    return part[-1] + part[1] + part[0]

def time_a_method(m, s):
    c_arg = "('{}')".format(s)
    t = timeit.timeit(m + c_arg, setup="from __main__ import " + m , number=100000)
    print( m + " "*(15-len(m)) + "----> {}".format(t))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(trivial("I Me You"))
    print(more_split("I Me You"))
    print(dq("I Me You"))
    print(find_and_slice("I Me You"))
    print(rs_lazy("I Me You"))
    print(rs_smart("I Me You"))
    print(rpart("I Me You"))
    print("######## USE: 'I Me You'")
    for m in ["trivial", "more_split", "dq", "find_and_slice", "rs_lazy", "rs_smart", "rpart"]:
        time_a_method(m, "I Me You")

    print("######## USE: 'a b c d e f '*100")
    s = 'a b c d e f '*100
    for m in ["trivial", "more_split", "dq", "find_and_slice", "rs_lazy", "rs_smart", "rpart"]:
        time_a_method(m, s)

That give follow results:

You I Me
You I Me
You I Me
You I Me
You I Me
You I Me
You I Me
######## USE: 'I Me You'
trivial        ----> 0.1339518820000194
more_split     ----> 0.1532761280000159
dq             ----> 0.182199565000019
find_and_slice ----> 0.07563322400005745
rs_lazy        ----> 0.23457759100006115
rs_smart       ----> 0.1615759960000105
rpart          ----> 0.06102836100001241
######## USE: 'a b c d e f '*100
trivial        ----> 3.2239098259999537
more_split     ----> 4.6946649449999995
dq             ----> 3.991058845999987
find_and_slice ----> 0.15106809200005955
rs_lazy        ----> 0.32278001499992115
rs_smart       ----> 0.22939544400003342
rpart          ----> 0.10590313199998036

And the winner is.....

def rpart(s):
    part = s.rpartition(' ')
    return part[-1] + part[1] + part[0]

That surprised me (I bet on find_and_slice and I lost). There are 2 answers classes:

  1. brute force: split all string
  2. take care that we need just the last part of the string

Even in the simplest case I Me You the first approach is from 2 to 3 time slower than the best one. Obviously when the string become more interesting the first approach become really inefficient.

The real funny thing is that the most voted answer is the slower :)

like image 75
Michele d'Amico Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 23:10

Michele d'Amico

First we split the string:

>>> s = "I Me You"
>>> l = s.split()
>>> l
['I', 'Me', 'You']

Then we add l[-1:], which is the list from the last element to the end, with l[:-1], which is the list from the start until (but not containing) the last element:

>>> l[-1:] + l[:-1]
['You', 'I', 'Me']

Finally we join:

>>> ' '.join(l[-1:] + l[:-1])
'You I Me'
like image 45
JuniorCompressor Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 23:10
