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pycharm convert tabs to spaces automatically




Change the code style to use spaces instead of tabs:


Then select a folder you want to convert in the Project View and use Code | Reformat Code.

This only converts the tabs without changing anything else:

Edit -> Convert Indents -> To Spaces

For selections, you can also convert the selection using the "To spaces" function. I usually just use it via the ctrl-shift-A then find "To Spaces" from there.

PyCharm 2019.1

If you want to change the general settings:

Open preferences, in macOS ; or in Windows/Linux Ctrl + Alt + S.

Go to Editor -> Code Style -> Python, and if you want to follow PEP-8, choose Tab size: 4, Indent: 4, and Continuation indent: 8 as shown below:

enter image description here

Apply the changes, and click on OK.

If you want to apply the changes just to the current file

Option 1: You can choose in the navigation bar: Edit -> Convert Indent -> To Spaces. (see image below)

enter image description here

Option 2: You can execute "To Spaces" action by running the Find Action shortcut: A on macOS or ctrlA on Windows/Linux. Then type "To Spaces", and run the action as shown in the image below.

enter image description here

ctrl + shift + A => open pop window to select options, select to spaces to convert all tabs as space, or to tab to convert all spaces as tab.

ctr+alt+shift+L -> reformat whole file :)

Just ot note: Pycharm's to spaces function only works on indent tabs at the beginning of a line, not interstitial tabs within a line of text. for example, when you are trying to format columns in monospaced text.