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Purpose of declare keyword in TypeScript

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What is purpose of declare in TypeScript?

declare is used to tell the compiler "this thing (usually a variable) exists already, and therefore can be referenced by other code, also there is no need to compile this statement into any JavaScript". Common Use Case: You add a reference to your web page to a JavaScript file that the compiler knows nothing about.

What is TypeScript declaration?

TypeScript includes declaration files for all of the standardized built-in APIs available in JavaScript runtimes. This includes things like methods and properties of built-in types like string or function , top-level names like Math and Object , and their associated types.

What is declare JavaScript?

Creating a variable in JavaScript is called "declaring" a variable.

How would you declare a variable in TypeScript?

The type syntax for declaring a variable in TypeScript is to include a colon (:) after the variable name, followed by its type. Just as in JavaScript, we use the var keyword to declare a variable.

Here is a real world example.

I have a TypeScript React app that uses the Webpack Hot Middleware. The Webpack Hot Middleware is not written in TypeScript, but in good old-fashioned JavaScript. So it has no type declarations that the TypeScript compiler can check against.

When I run my code, the object module from the Webpack Hot Middleware exists, and I can console.log it despite it being good old-fashioned JavaScript hiding in my fancy new TypeScript React app.

The module object also has keys, such as module.hot, and the keys can have values. But the TypeScript design time compiler (in VSCode at least) draws a red squiggly under it saying property 'hot' does not exist. But it does exist!

To make the TypeScript compiler agree, declare it like this:

declare let module: any

The existing module object, now has a type of any, which makes the TypeScript compiler happy now, red squiggly gone and now I can continue to compile and write my other code.

If you remove the keyword declare, and just write let module: any, it will not compile, instead saying that 'module' already exists. That's what "ambient" in the accepted answer means.


declare is used to tell the compiler "this thing (usually a variable) exists already, and therefore can be referenced by other code, also there is no need to compile this statement into any JavaScript".

Common Use Case:

You add a reference to your web page to a JavaScript file that the compiler knows nothing about. maybe it is a script coming from some other domain like 'foo.com'. when evaluated the script will create an object with some useful API methods and assign it to the identifier 'fooSdk' on the global scope.

You want your TypeScript code to be able to call fooSdk.doSomething() but since your compiler does not know this variable exists you will get a compilation error.

You then use the declare keyword as a way of telling the compiler "trust me, this variable exists and has this type". The compiler will use this statement to statically check other code but will not trans-compile it into any JavaScript in the output.

declare const fooSdk = { doSomething: () => boolean }

In the same vein, you can add the declare keyword to class properties to tell the compiler not to emit any code that would create this property, assuming you have your own code that would create it that the compiler does not know about or does not understand.

Your specific example is different since you are declaring a type, not a variable, types already do not compile into any JavaScript. I do not know if there is any reason to declare a type.

From Typescript docs:

Typescript - Working with Other JavaScript Libraries

To describe the shape of libraries not written in TypeScript, we need to declare the API that the library exposes. Because most JavaScript libraries expose only a few top-level objects, namespaces are a good way to represent them.

We call declarations that don’t define an implementation “ambient”. Typically these are defined in .d.ts files. If you’re familiar with C/C++, you can think of these as .h files. Let’s look at a few examples.

Ambient Namespaces

The popular library D3 defines its functionality in a global object called d3. Because this library is loaded through a tag (instead of a module loader), its declaration uses namespaces to define its shape. For the TypeScript compiler to see this shape, we use an ambient namespace declaration. For example, we could begin writing it as follows:

D3.d.ts (simplified excerpt)

declare namespace D3 {
    export interface Selectors {
        select: {
            (selector: string): Selection;
            (element: EventTarget): Selection;
    // (...)

You can use declare to tell the compiler about types before you write any implementation code and TypeScript will be happy.

declare function foo(name: string): string