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PropTypes in a TypeScript React Application

Does using React.PropTypes make sense in a TypeScript React Application or is this just a case of "belt and suspenders"?

Since the component class is declared with a Props type parameter:

interface Props {
    // ...
export class MyComponent extends React.Component<Props, any> { ... }

is there any real benefit to adding

static propTypes {
    myProp: React.PropTypes.string

to the class definition?

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Ralph Avatar asked Oct 07 '22 00:10


People also ask

Should we use PropTypes with TypeScript?

At compile time, TypeScript will be converted to JavaScript. This means users of your library cannot depend on your TypeScript type definitions for props, reiterating the relevance of PropTypes. PropTypes is normal JavaScript code, which means validations will also be possible when your library is being used.

How do you add PropTypes in React?

propTypes = { //// key is the name of the prop and // value is the PropType } export default Count; PropTypes are also objects with a key and a value pair where the 'key' is the name of the prop while the value represents the type or class by which they are defined.

Is PropTypes necessary in React?

One of the most important things when building React application is to make sure that the components receive correct props. Passing wrong props leads to bugs and unexpected behavior, so it's a good idea to warn developers about this as early as possible.

What is the use of PropTypes in React?

PropTypes is React's internal mechanism for adding type checking to components. React components use a special property named propTypes to set up type checking. When props are passed to a React component, they are checked against the type definitions configured in the propTypes property.

1 Answers

Typescript and PropTypes serve different purposes. Typescript validates types at compile time, whereas PropTypes are checked at runtime.

Typescript is useful when you are writing code: it will warn you if you pass an argument of the wrong type to your React components, give you autocomplete for function calls, etc.

PropTypes are useful when you test how the components interact with external data, for example when you load JSON from an API. PropTypes will help you debug (when in React's Development mode) why your component is failing by printing helpful messages like:

Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `id` of type `number` supplied to `Table`, expected `string`

Even though it may seem like Typescript and PropTypes do the same thing, they don't actually overlap at all. But it is possible to automatically generate PropTypes from Typescript so that you don't have to specify types twice, see for example:

  • https://github.com/milesj/babel-plugin-typescript-to-proptypes
  • https://github.com/grncdr/ts-react-loader#what-it-does
  • https://github.com/gcanti/prop-types-ts
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afonsoduarte Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10
