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React Checkbox not sending onChange

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How do I onChange a checkbox in React?

Using setState with React Checkbox onChange In React, the best way to do this is via the useState hook. This is different from normal JavaScript because we are unable to access the value of the checkbox directly from its DOM component: /* Create a checkbox functional component.

Do something when checkbox is checked React?

Use the target. checked property on the event object to check if a checkbox is checked in React, e.g. if (event. target. checked) {} .

How do you check and uncheck a checkbox in Reactjs?

To uncheck a checkbox programmatically in React, we can set the checked prop of the checkbox to a state. We have the checked state that we used to set the checked prop of the checkbox. Then we add a button that calls setChecked to toggle the checked value when we click the button.

To get the checked state of your checkbox the path would be:


The alternative is to get it from the event passed into the handleChange method:


It's better not to use refs in such cases. Use:


There are some options:

checked vs defaultChecked

The former would respond to both state changes and clicks. The latter would ignore state changes.

onClick vs onChange

The former would always trigger on clicks. The latter would not trigger on clicks if checked attribute is present on input element.

If you have a handleChange function that looks like this:

handleChange = (e) => {
    [e.target.name]: e.target.value,

You can create a custom onChange function so that it acts like an text input would:

  onChange={(e) => {
      target: {
        name: e.target.name,
        value: e.target.checked,

In the scenario you would NOT like to use the onChange handler on the input DOM, you can use the onClick property as an alternative. The defaultChecked, the condition may leave a fixed state for v16 IINM.

 class CrossOutCheckbox extends Component {
          this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
          if (target.checked){
             target.parentNode.style.textDecoration = "";
          } else {
             target.setAttribute('checked', true);
             target.parentNode.style.textDecoration = "line-through";
         return (
              <label style={{textDecoration: this.props.complete?"line-through":""}}>
                 <input type="checkbox"

I hope this helps someone in the future.