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How do you programmatically update query params in react-router?

People also ask

How do you pass query parameters in react?

To pass in query parameters, we just add them to the Link s to props as usual. For example, we can write the following: We first defined the useQuery Hook to get the query parameters of the URL via the URLSearchParams constructor. We get the useLocation() s search property.

How do I update my dom react router?

Update react-router-dom in package.json 6, also we can “npm install react-router-dom@latest” – which will always give you the very latest version.

Within the push method of hashHistory, you can specify your query parameters. For instance,

  pathname: '/dresses',
  search: '?color=blue'



You can check out this repository for additional examples on using history

Example using react-router v4, redux-thunk and react-router-redux(5.0.0-alpha.6) package.

When user uses search feature, I want him to be able to send url link for same query to a colleague.

import { push } from 'react-router-redux';
import qs from 'query-string';

export const search = () => (dispatch) => {
    const query = { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' };

    //API call to retrieve records

    const searchString = qs.stringify(query);

        search: searchString

John's answer is correct. When I'm dealing with params I also need URLSearchParams interface:

    pathname: '/client',
    search: "?" + new URLSearchParams({clientId: clientId}).toString()

You might also need to wrap your component with a withRouter HOC eg. export default withRouter(YourComponent);.

You can use the replace functionality instead of pushing a new route on every change

import React from 'react';
import { useHistory, useLocation } from 'react-router';

const MyComponent = ()=>{
   const history = useHistory();
   const location = useLocation();

   const onChange=(event)=>{
     const {name, value} = event?.target;
     const params = new URLSearchParams({[name]: value });
     history.replace({ pathname: location.pathname, search: params.toString() });       

   return <input name="search" onChange={onChange} />

This preserves the history instead of pushing a new path on every change