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What does the `is` keyword do in typescript?



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Is type a keyword in TypeScript?

Type keyword in typescript: In typescript the type keyword defines an alias to a type. We can also use the type keyword to define user defined types.

Is as a keyword in JavaScript?

as any tells the compiler to consider the typed object as a plain untyped JavaScript object. The as keyword is a Type Assertion in TypeScript which tells the compiler to consider the object as another type than the type the compiler infers the object to be.

What is any keyword in TypeScript?

All types in TypeScript are subtypes of a single top type called the Any type. The any keyword references this type. The Any type is the one type that can represent any JavaScript value with no constraints. All other types are categorized as primitive types, object types, or type parameters.

What is type assertion in TypeScript?

In Typescript, Type assertion is a technique that informs the compiler about the type of a variable. Type assertion is similar to typecasting but it doesn't reconstruct code. You can use type assertion to specify a value's type and tell the compiler not to deduce it.

See the reference for user-defined type guard functions for more information.

function isString(test: any): test is string{
    return typeof test === "string";

function example(foo: any){
        console.log("it is a string" + foo);
        console.log(foo.length); // string function
example("hello world");

Using the type predicate test is string in the above format (instead of just using boolean for the return type), after isString() is called, if the function returns true, TypeScript will narrow the type to string in any block guarded by a call to the function. The compiler will think that foo is string in the below-guarded block (and ONLY in the below-guarded block)

    console.log("it is a string" + foo);
    console.log(foo.length); // string function

A type predicate is just used in compile time. The resulting .js file (runtime) will have no difference because it does not consider the TYPE.

I will illustrate the differences in below four examples.

E.g 1: the above example code will not have a compile error nor a runtime error.

E.g 2: the below example code will have a compile error (as well as a runtime error) because TypeScript has narrowed the type to string and checked that toExponential does not belong to string method.

function example(foo: any){
        console.log("it is a string" + foo);

E.g. 3: the below example code does not have a compile error but will have a runtime error because TypeScript will ONLY narrow the type to string in the block guarded but not after, therefore foo.toExponential will not create compile error (TypeScript does not think it is a string type). However, in runtime, string does not have the toExponential method, so it will have runtime error.

function example(foo: any){
        console.log("it is a string" + foo);

E.g. 4: if we don’t use test is string (type predicate), TypeScript will not narrow the type in the block guarded and the below example code will not have compile error but it will have runtime error.

function isString(test: any): boolean{
    return typeof test === "string";
function example(foo: any){
        console.log("it is a string" + foo);

The conclusion is that test is string (type predicate) is used in compile-time to tell the developers the code will have a chance to have a runtime error. For javascript, the developers will not KNOW the error in compile time. This is the advantage of using TypeScript.

The only use I know is the one of your example: specifying a "type predicate" (arg is MyType) in an user defined Type Guard

See User Defined Type Guards in this reference

Here is another reference