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Proper Guid Mapping. Nhibernate




I use an abstract Entity class which contains a Guid:

public abstract class Entity
    public /*virtual*/ Guid Id { get; set; }

Suppose I also have a class like:

public class Post : Entity
    public String Title { get; set; }
    public String Content { get; set; }
    public DateTime Timestamp { get; set; }

How do I properly map Post class using xml-mapping? I'm asking about Id.

like image 351
lexeme Avatar asked Sep 28 '11 18:09


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1 Answers

<id name="Id">
    <generator class="guid"/>

This will generate Guids on the client using the Guid.NewGuid() method.

Alternative generators are:

  • guid.native - generates the Guids on the server side, e.g. using NEWID() on SQL server
  • guid.comb - generates "sequential" Guids, which reduces index fragmentation.

I would recommend guid.comb for most applications that use Guid identifiers.

like image 115
Jonas Høgh Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Jonas Høgh