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MongoDB c# driver - Can a field called Id not be Id?

More particulary, there is a class

class X {
       string Id { get; set; }

class Y : X {
       ObjectId MyId { get; set; }

I would like MyId to be an id for Y, i.e. to be mapped to _id.

Is it possible?

I get an exception after this code:

var ys = database.GetCollection("ys"); 
ys.InsertBatch(new Y[] { new Y(), new Y()}); 

The exception: {"Member 'MyId' of class 'MongoTest1.Y' cannot use element name '_id' because it is already being used by member 'Id'."}

Full test case:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization;
using MongoDB.Driver;

namespace MongoTest1
    class X
        public string Id { get; set; }

    class Y : X
        public ObjectId MyId { get; set; }

    class Program
        static Program() {
            BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap<X>(cm =>
                cm.SetIdMember(cm.GetMemberMap(c => c.Id));

            BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap<Y>(cm =>
                cm.SetIdMember(cm.GetMemberMap(c => c.MyId));

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var server = MongoServer.Create("mongodb://evgeny:evgeny@localhost:27017/test");
            var database = server.GetDatabase("test");

            using (server.RequestStart(database))
                var ys = database.GetCollection("ys");
                        new Y[] {
                            new Y(), new Y()

X's Id MUST be string.

like image 671
Evgeny Avatar asked Aug 29 '11 09:08


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1 Answers

The answer to your question is "yes, but...".

It is possible to have a member called Id which is not mapped to the _id element. For example:

public class X {
    public ObjectId MyId;

public class Y : X {
    public string Id;

However, in a class hierarchy the _id member must be at the root of the hierarchy (in other words, all members of the hierarchy must agree on using the same _id).

like image 109
Robert Stam Avatar answered Dec 14 '22 22:12

Robert Stam