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Project methodology for small teams [closed]

We're usually 1-4 developers / art directors / copywriters on each project at my firm, what methodology would you recommend use to use? Agile? XP? Scrum? Something else? (I know they are all variations of essentially the same concept, yes)

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thr Avatar asked Nov 27 '08 15:11


2 Answers

I don't think there's a general answer for it, the question is too broad, and you can't just "adopt a methodology" as if it were a product that you take out of the box, it's something that you evolve over time...but in any case I highly recommend you getting a copy of this book: Head First Software Development

Then you adapt the ideas you like into your project. Don't worry about names and buzzwords, they will be all "passé" next year anyway. Keep it simple at first, adopt the ideas that make more sense and give the most bang for buck, and don't try to solve problems that don't exist yet. It will be a very good start.

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rodbv Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 13:10


For pair programming, at least, it's best to have an even number of programmers... ;P

One of the good things about small teams is that you don't need a lot of support systems to communicate internally (a bugtracker becomes more or less a todo list for yourself, but it's good to have anyway). If having a meeting with the whole team just involves turning around your charir and say "Hey, Bob and Carl, take a look at this!", you don't really need all formal rules of a methology anyway. But agile methods in general is quite well suited to small and medium sized teams, but they require self-motivated team members.

I'll say pick whatever ideas you like from the different methologies, they can be considered suggestions anyway.

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Stein G. Strindhaug Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 12:10

Stein G. Strindhaug