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How to deal with pair programming issues? [closed]

Some members of the team are having problems programming together. Different gender, different culture, different age. How to deal with those problems? - Do not pair them together, or - Pair them together and let them come to a "golden middle"

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alex Avatar asked Sep 21 '08 20:09


People also ask

What is the biggest mistake in pair programming?

The biggest mistake in pair programming is for the navigator to tune out and let the driver do all the work. The navigator has to be paying attention; otherwise you're just taking turns doing the entire work instead of making use of the benefits of having two people.

When pair programming should not be done?

Don't pair program so that you can catch up on your messages while the other person drives. This is the absolute worst reason to pair program. It costs the company 4 times as much to produce the exact same code (Because they're paying 2 salaries for 1 task and getting nothing done on another task).

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1 Answers

Pair programming is based on the idea that the interaction of two programmers adds value. If this is not true, change the pairs... let them choose. Programming should be fun!

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Sklivvz Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09
