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Print a list of all installed node.js modules

People also ask

How do I list installed node packages?

Use the npm list to show the installed packages in the current project as a dependency tree. Use npm list --depth=n to show the dependency tree with a specified depth. Use npm list --prod to show packages in the dependencies . Use npm list --dev to show packages in the devDependencies .

How do you check if node modules are installed or not?

To check for all locally installed packages and their dependencies, navigate to the project folder in your terminal and run the npm list command. You can also check if a specific package is installed locally or not using the npm list command followed by package name.

If you are only interested in the packages installed globally without the full TREE then:

npm -g ls --depth=0

or locally (omit -g) :

npm ls --depth=0

Use npm ls (there is even json output)

From the script:


function npmls(cb) {
  require('child_process').exec('npm ls --json', function(err, stdout, stderr) {
    if (err) return cb(err)
    cb(null, JSON.parse(stdout));


> node test.js
null { name: 'x11', version: '0.0.11' }

list of all globally installed third party modules, write in console:

 npm -g ls

in any os

npm -g list

and thats it