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jQuery UI " $("#datepicker").datepicker is not a function"

People also ask

Does jQuery include jQuery UI?

jQuery UI is a widget and interaction library built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library that you can use to build highly interactive web applications.

What is the difference between jQuery and jQuery UI?

JQuery is basically the base of JQuery UI and is the more powerful between the two. It should be used for more advanced work that requires custom code and interactions. For basic user interface needs, using the JQuery UI is very beneficial as it reduces the complexity of coding and speeds up the entire process.

What is $() in jQuery?

$() = window. jQuery() $()/jQuery() is a selector function that selects DOM elements. Most of the time you will need to start with $() function. It is advisable to use jQuery after DOM is loaded fully.

Is jQuery UI still used?

jQuery is one of the longest-running and most influential JavaScript libraries on the web. A staggering 78% of the top 1 million websites use jQuery in some way, according to BuiltWith. As for the most talked-about JavaScript library today, React, it's used by a relatively paltry 14%.

I struggled with a similar problem for hours. It then turned out that jQuery was included twice, once by the program that I was adding a jQuery function to and once by our in-house debugger.

If there is another library that is using the $ variable, you can do this:

var $j = jQuery.noConflict();

Also make sure your javascript includes are in the correct order so the jquery core library is defined before the jquery.ui. I've had that cause issues.

jQuery “ $(”#datepicker“).datepicker is not a function”

I have fixed the issue by placing the below three files in the body section of the form at the end.

  <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8/jquery-ui.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8/themes/base/jquery-ui.css" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" />

This error usually appears when you're missing a file from the jQuery UI set.

Double-check that you have all the files, the jQuery UI files as well as the CSS and images, and that they're in the correctly linked file/directory location on your server.

If you think that there is a conflict you can use jQuery.noConflict() in your code. Details are in the docs.


If you don't like typing the full "jQuery" all the time, there are some alternative shortcuts:

Reassign jQuery to another shortcut var $j = jQuery; (This might be the best approach if you wish to use different libraries) Use the following technique, which allows you to use $ inside of a block of code without permanently overwriting $:

(function($) { /* some code that uses $ */ })(jQuery)

Note: If you use this technique, you will not be able to use Prototype methods inside this capsuled function that expect $ to be Prototype's $, so you're making a choice to use only jQuery in that block. Use the argument to the DOM ready event:

jQuery(function($) { /*some code that uses $ */ });

Note: Again, inside that block you can't use Prototype methods

Thats from the end of the docs and might be useful to you