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Pass a PHP array to a JavaScript function [duplicate]




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How to get a PHP array into JS?

You can easily use PHP array in javascript you only need to convert PHP array into JSON format Using json_encode() function. PHP array can be converted to JavScript array and accessible in JavaScript. Whatever the array type is, a single or multidimensional or indexed or associative array.

Is it possible to pass data from PHP to JavaScript?

Is it possible to pass data from PHP to JavaScript? No, because PHP is server-side, and JavaScript is client-side. No, because PHP is a loosely typed language.

Can we pass array to function in PHP?

How To Pass Arrays By References? in PHP? Like normal variables, you can pass an array by reference into a function by taking a reference of the original array, and passing the reference to the function.


In the following example $php_variable can be any PHP variable.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var obj = <?php echo json_encode($php_variable); ?>;

In your code, you could use like the following:

drawChart(600/50, <?php echo json_encode($day); ?>, ...)

In cases where you need to parse out an object from JSON-string (like in an AJAX request), the safe way is to use JSON.parse(..) like the below:

var s = "<JSON-String>";
var obj = JSON.parse(s);

You can pass PHP arrays to JavaScript using json_encode PHP function.

    $phpArray = array(
        0 => "Mon", 
        1 => "Tue", 
        2 => "Wed", 
        3 => "Thu",
        4 => "Fri", 
        5 => "Sat",
        6 => "Sun",

<script type="text/javascript">

    var jArray = <?php echo json_encode($phpArray); ?>;

    for(var i=0; i<jArray.length; i++){


Data transfer between two platform requires a common data format. JSON is a common global format to send cross platform data.

drawChart(600/50, JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode($day); ?>'), JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode($week); ?>'), JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode($month); ?>'), JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode(createDatesArray(cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m',strtotime('-1 day')), date('Y',strtotime('-1 day'))))); ?>'))

This is the answer to your question. The answer may look very complex. You can see a simple example describing the communication between server side and client side here

$employee = array(
 "employee_id" => 10011,
   "Name" => "Nathan",
   "Skills" =>
           "documentation" =>

Conversion to JSON format is required to send the data back to client application ie, JavaScript. PHP has a built in function json_encode(), which can convert any data to JSON format. The output of the json_encode function will be a string like this.

    "employee_id": 10011,
    "Name": "Nathan",
    "Skills": {
        "0": "analyzing",
        "documentation": [

On the client side, success function will get the JSON string. Javascript also have JSON parsing function JSON.parse() which can convert the string back to JSON object.

        type: 'POST',
        headers: {
            "cache-control": "no-cache"
        url: "employee.php",
        async: false,
        cache: false,
        data: {
            employee_id: 10011
        success: function (jsonString) {
            var employeeData = JSON.parse(jsonString); // employeeData variable contains employee array.

In the following example you have an PHP array, then firstly create a JavaScript array by a PHP array:

<script type="javascript">
    day = new Array(<?php echo implode(',', $day); ?>);
    week = new Array(<?php echo implode(',',$week); ?>);
    month = new Array(<?php echo implode(',',$month); ?>);

    <!--  Then pass it to the JavaScript function:   -->

    drawChart(<?php echo count($day); ?>, day, week, month);