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Prevent bash from interpreting without quoting everything



I need to output some text as bash script, but in a script. I use cat for this, but it has one drawback. It interprets variables and stuff during it is being written. I do want to prevent this.

How to do that without quoting all varibles (my script is failrly long)? Example

cat >/tmp/script << EOF   $HOSTNAME   # lots of other stuff I do NOT want to escape like \$VARIABLE   # ... EOF  cat /tmp/script myhostname.mylan 

I want:

cat /tmp/script $HOSTNAME 

Edit: Please note my script (here only $HOSTNAME) is very long, I dont want to change it all. Also single quoting does not work with <<

cat >/tmp/script '<< EOF   $HOSTNAME EOF' File not found: EOF' 

What's the trick? Thanks.

like image 609
lzap Avatar asked Mar 26 '12 09:03


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2 Answers

If you want everything quoted:

cat << 'EOF' stuff here with $signs is OK as are `backquotes` EOF 

See the section on "here documents" in the manual.

like image 64
torek Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09


Escape the $:

cat >/tmp/script << EOF   \$HOSTNAME EOF 
like image 45
Eran Ben-Natan Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Eran Ben-Natan