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How to add timestamp while redirecting stdout to file in Bash?

I have a program (server) and I am looking for a way (script) that will redirect (or better duplicate) all its stdout to file and add timestamp for each entry.

I've done some research and the furthest I could get was thanks to How to add timestamp to STDERR redirection. It redirects stdout but the timestamp added is of the time when the script finishes:

#!/bin/bash ./server | ./predate.sh > log.txt 

code of predate.sh:

#!/bin/bash while read line ; do     echo "$(date): ${line}" done 

It seems that server output is flushed after exit of the program.(without redirecting it works fine). Also if I try using predate.sh on given example in mentioned thread, it works perfectly. I am aware it would be easy adding a timestamp to the main program but I would rather avoid editing its code.

like image 878
wondra Avatar asked Jan 13 '14 18:01


People also ask

How do I redirect a output to a file in bash?

For utilizing the redirection of bash, execute any script, then define the > or >> operator followed by the file path to which the output should be redirected. “>>” operator is used for utilizing the command's output to a file, including the output to the file's current contents.

What does &> mean in bash?

&>word (and >&word redirects both stdout and stderr to the result of the expansion of word. In the cases above that is the file 1 . 2>&1 redirects stderr (fd 2) to the current value of stdout (fd 1).

1 Answers

I recently needed exactly that: receive log messages in a serial console (picocom), print them to a terminal and to a file AND prepend the date.

What I now use looks s.th. like this:

picocom -b 115200 /dev/tty.usbserial-1a122C | awk '{ print strftime("%s: "), $0; fflush(); }' | tee serial.txt 
  • the output of picocom is piped to awk
  • awk prepends the date (the %s option converts the time to the Number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC - or use %c for a human-readable format)
  • fflush() flushes any buffered output in awk
  • that is piped to tee which diverts it to a file. (you can find some stuff about tee here)
like image 147
oliver Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 22:10
