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User script location linux (debian etch) [closed]




In the linux file system, where should user scripts be placed?

I'm thinking specifically python scripts to be called by cron.

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Christopher Mahan Avatar asked Aug 18 '08 20:08

Christopher Mahan

2 Answers

the information i got:

/usr/local/sbin     custom script meant for root /usr/local/bin      custom script meant for all users including non-root 

chatlog snips from irc.debian.org #debian:

(02:48:49) c33s: question: where is the _correct_ location, to put custom scripts for the root user (like a script on a webserver for createing everything needed  for a new webuser)? is it /bin, /usr/local/bin,...? /usr/local/scripts is  mentioned in (*link to this page*) (02:49:15) Hydroxide: c33s: typically /usr/local/sbin (02:49:27) Hydroxide: c33s: no idea what /usr/local/scripts would be (02:49:32) Hydroxide: it's nonstandard (02:49:53) Hydroxide: if it's a custom script meant for all users including  non-root, then /usr/local/bin (02:52:43) Hydroxide: c33s: Debian follows the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard,  with a very small number of exceptions, which is online in several formats at  http://www.pathname.com/fhs/ (also linked from http://www.debian.org/devel/ and  separately online at http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/fhs/fhs-2.3.html) (02:53:03) Hydroxide: c33s: if you have the debian-policy package installed, it's  also in several formats at /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/fhs/ on your system (02:53:37) Hydroxide: c33s: most linux distributions follow that standard, though  usually less strictly and with more deviations than Debian. 

thanks go out to Hydroxide

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c33s Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10


If you're talking about scripts created by a user that will be run from that users crontab, I typically put those in either a bin or scripts folder in the home directory, or if they're intended to be shared between users, a /usr/local/scripts directory.

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Matt McMinn Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 02:10

Matt McMinn