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Run cURL command every 5 seconds

This is the command that I want to run -

curl --request POST --data-binary @payload.txt --header "carriots.apiKey:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" --verbose http://api.carriots.com/streams

This basically sends a data stream to a server.

I want to run this command every 5 seconds. How do I achieve this?

like image 562
Archit Arora Avatar asked Jul 01 '14 06:07

Archit Arora

2 Answers

You can run in while loop.

while sleep 5; do cmd; done


If you don't want to use while..loop. you can use watch command.

watch -n 5 cmd
like image 60
Jayesh Bhoi Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 07:10

Jayesh Bhoi

Another simple way to accomplish the same task is:

watch -n {{seconds}} {{your-command}}

For example, every 900 milliseconds (note the double quotes around "your-command"):

watch -n 0.9 "curl 'https://public-cloud.abstratium.dev/user/site'"
like image 3
Antonio Petricca Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 07:10

Antonio Petricca