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Practice your micro-architectural skills [closed]

I've googled a lot and can't find what I look for.

I look for some architecture practice. I mean there are a lot of books about Design Patterns, but I want something like analysis of common mistakes in architecture of EE applications. All I've found - antipatterns like string concatenation or something else that can be found with help of FindBug or Sonar.

How I figure it out:

  1. Book with next steps: task definition, wrong decision, why it is bad, right decision.
  2. Educational resources. I heard there are such resources for testers. Some applications are opened for testing and each who want to learn testing can test it; and after some period discuss own result with other people or see the percent of bugs he has found.
  3. Maybe other ideas?

Why I think Design Pattern books are not suitable for me:

A developer may know many design patterns from such books, but can be incapable of selecting the correct one for the specific situation. IMHO, this is because these books don't give you any practice, and fail to educate the reader as to which design pattern(s) should be applied to any situation. Those books just get you a ready solution.


There aren't any answers any more. So I want to expand my question:

I believe, no I'm certain that exist courses dedicated to improve architecture skills, show the common mistakes in designing of web applications and so on. Also I know that there are a lot of conferences linked with this subject.

Advice me where should I look for them, please.

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VB_ Avatar asked Nov 15 '13 13:11


1 Answers

Holub on Patterns is a fresh and interesting perspective on design patterns.

Lots of code. Lots of pro and cons, very hands-on and practical. I learn something new every time I re-read it.

It has been my go-to book as the "next step after GoF and Head-First Design Patterns". I love it, and it has been very well recieved by the ones who have tried it.

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Anders Johansen Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

Anders Johansen