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How can I force the onPrepareOptionsMenu method to fire?

In my activity's onCreateOptionsMenu method, I am simply inflating my menu layout file and attaching it.

I want to show/hide some menu items based on a value a of a global variable, I do this in the onPrepareOptionsMenu method. I've read that this is the correct place to do it.

My onPrepareOptionsMenu method doesn't always fire. I don't know why but it doesn't always fire when I press the "Menu" button on my phone. Maybe it has some thing to do with it's internal state.

It seems to fire when the Acitvity is being created. Pressing the "Menu" button for the first time, doesn't cause it to fire but if I press the menu button a second time, it works just fine.

Is there a way I could force the onPrepareOptionsMenu to fire.


Smok suggested using the invalidateOptionsMenu method to invalidate the menu items but this causes the onCreateOptionsMenu method to fire too. Here's my method:

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

    MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
    inflater.inflate(R.menu.search, menu);

    SearchManager searchManager = (SearchManager) getSystemService(Context.SEARCH_SERVICE);
    SearchView searchView = (SearchView) menu.findItem(R.id.search).getActionView();

    return true;


public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu (Menu menu) {

    if (this.objAdapter == null) {
    } else {


    return true;

As you can see from my onCreateOptionsMenu method, invoking it again will cause the focus to be lost to the SearchView.

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Mridang Agarwalla Avatar asked Sep 13 '12 12:09

Mridang Agarwalla

2 Answers

As Smok pointed out: by calling invalidateOptionsMenu().

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Mridang Agarwalla Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10

Mridang Agarwalla

I had the same issue and I fixed with supportInvalidateOptionsMenu() method (because I use support activity) but with a workaround.

I have a flag variable that I check in the onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) method in this way:

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    if (!IS_MENU_FIXED) {
        // Create menu only the first time the activity is loaded
        getSupportMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.main, menu);
        // Create menu items, etc...
    return true;

And this is the way I call supportInvalidateOptionsMenu() when is required:

    IS_MENU_FIXED = Boolean.TRUE;

This is the Official documentation about this topic.

Regards, Gabriel.

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Gabriel Volpe Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 08:10

Gabriel Volpe