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PSQLException: ResultSet not positioned properly, perhaps you need to call next

public UserBean authenticate(String username,String password){
    PostGresDAO pg=new PostGresDAO();   //creates new connection
    Connection conn=pg.getConnecion();  //return connection object
    PreparedStatement ps;
    ResultSet rs;
    String query="select password,name from scg_users where username=?";
    UserBean ub=null;
    boolean authenticated=false;
        ps.setString(1, username);


            authenticated=password.equals(rs.getString(1));  //exception raised here
                ub=new UserBean();
    catch(SQLException e){
    return ub;

I am using this code for authenticating a user. The username and password are extracted from the request parameter and passed onto this method for authentication. But it throws a:

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ResultSet not positioned properly, perhaps you need to call next.

Please advice.

like image 272
Mono Jamoon Avatar asked Aug 24 '12 06:08

Mono Jamoon

1 Answers

The error is telling you exactly what's wrong - you're not calling next() on your ResultSet to get to the first row of the results.

This line:


is pointless as far as I know; I don't believe executeQuery will ever return null. If there's a problem in your query, an exception will be thrown. If there are no results, it will return an empty result set. To see if there's a row, you should call next() and check the return value:

if (rs.next())


  • Catching an exception and just printing the stack trace without rethrowing is almost always the wrong approach
  • Your code suggests that you're storing passwords in plain text. Please don't. Really, really don't.
like image 196
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10

Jon Skeet