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Performing Unions with Ecto

I'm running a search feature on three tables in my Phoenix app, and I want to join them using something like SQL's UNION operator.

I have three tables:

mix phx.gen.json Accounts User users handle:string email:string
mix phx.gen.json Content Post posts title:string content:string
mix phx.gen.json Content Category categories name:string

Let's assume there are no foreign keys or linking tables.

If I wanted to run a search across these in SQL, I would do something like this:

SELECT handle FROM users WHERE handle LIKE "%string%"
SELECT title FROM posts WHERE title LIKE "%string%"
SELECT name FROM categories WHERE name LIKE "%string%"

However, Ecto 2 doesn't seem to support unions. I want to do something like this:

query1 =
  from u in User,
    where: ilike(u.handle, ^"%#{str}%"),
    select: u

query2 =
  from p in Post,
    where: ilike(p.title, ^"%#{str}%"),
    select: p

query3 =
  from c in Category,
    where: ilike(c.name, ^"%#{str}%"),
    select: c

union = Ecto.SomethingLikeAUnion([query1, query2, query3])
result = Repo.all(union)

What is the best way to do this?

like image 617
Mark Karavan Avatar asked Oct 29 '22 00:10

Mark Karavan

2 Answers

Ecto doesn't support unions at the moment. Until Ecto adds support for unions, the best way would be to use raw SQL with Repo.query/2:

  SELECT handle FROM users WHERE handle LIKE $1
  SELECT title FROM posts WHERE title LIKE $1
  SELECT name FROM categories WHERE name LIKE $1
""", ["%#{str}%"])
like image 127
Dogbert Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 13:12


Looks like UNION and UNION ALL were added here.

and are documented here.

supplier_query = from s in Supplier, select: s.city
from c in Customer, select: c.city, union: ^supplier_query
like image 44
tres Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 14:12
