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How to specify multiple parameters in link

I have this in my router.ex:

resources "/games", GamesController do
  get "/scores/:student_id", GameScoreController, :new
  post "/scores/:student_id", GameScoreController, :create

Now I am calling this with:

link(student.name, to: game_game_score_path(@conn, :new, @game, student_id: student))

But that creates a link: /games/1/scores?student_id=1 instead of /games/1/scores/1.

How do I call link so it generates the correct url?

Oh, and is there a way to get rid of the double game in the helper? I tried adding as: :game_score, but that did not change anything.

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Herman verschooten Avatar asked Oct 30 '22 19:10

Herman verschooten

1 Answers

Define the route as:

resources "/games", GameController do
  get "/scores/:student_id", ScoreController, :new
  post "/scores/:student_id", ScoreController, :create

Note everything in Phoenix is singular, including the controller name. The URL is plural but it is external, it doesn't dictate how your code is organized.

And the URL helper:

link(student.name, to: game_game_score_path(@conn, :new, @game, student))

If you want the controller to be GameScoreController, you can pass the :as option to customize the generated helper. More info in the Phoenix docs: http://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/Phoenix.Router.html#resources/4

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José Valim Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

José Valim