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perfomance of len(List) vs reading a variable

A similar question has already been ask Cost of len() function here. However, this question looks at the cost of len it self. Suppose, I have a code that repeats many times len(List), every time is O(1), reading a variable is also O(1) plus assigning it is also O(1).

As a side note, I find that n_files = len(Files) is somewhat more readable than repeated len(Files) in my code. So, that is already an incentive for me to do this. You could also argue against me, that somewhere in the code Files can be modified, so n_files is no longer correct, but that is not the case.

My question is:
Is the a number of calls to len(Files) after which accessing n_files will be faster?

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oz123 Avatar asked Jul 22 '15 10:07


People also ask

How fast is Python Len ()?

The len() function in Python has a very peculiar characteristic that one had often wondered about. It takes absolutely no time, and equal time, in calculating the lengths of iterable data structures(string, array, tuple, etc.), irrespective of the size or type of data. This obviously implies O(1) time complexity.

What does Len do to a list?

The function len() is one of Python's built-in functions. It returns the length of an object. For example, it can return the number of items in a list. You can use the function with many different data types.

What is Len function and explain how it is used on strings with an example?

The len() function returns the number of items in an object. When the object is a string, the len() function returns the number of characters in the string.

Is a list a variable python?

No. A list is an object. You assign a list to a name-reference with = .

2 Answers

A few results (time, in seconds, for one million calls), with a ten-element list using Python 2.7.10 on Windows 7; store is whether we store the length or keeping calling len, and alias is whether or not we create a local alias for len:

Store Alias n=      1      10     100
Yes   Yes       0.862   1.379   6.669
Yes   No        0.792   1.337   6.543
No    Yes       0.914   1.924  11.616
No    No        0.879   1.987  12.617

and a thousand-element list:

Store Alias n=      1      10     100
Yes   Yes       0.877   1.369   6.661
Yes   No        0.785   1.299   6.808
No    Yes       0.926   1.886  11.720
No    No        0.891   1.948  12.843


  • Storing the result is more efficient than calling len repeatedly, even for n == 1;
  • Creating a local alias for len can make a small improvement for larger n where we aren't storing the result, but not as much as just storing the result would; and
  • The influence of the length of the list is negligible, suggesting that whether or not the integers are interned isn't making any difference.

Test script:

def test(n, l, store, alias):
    if alias:
        len_ = len
        len_l = len_(l)
        len_l = len(l)
    for _ in range(n):
        if store:
            _ = len_l
        elif alias:
            _ = len_(l)
            _ = len(l)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from itertools import product
    from timeit import timeit
    setup = 'from __main__ import test, l'
    for n, l, store, alias in product(
        (1, 10, 100),
        (True, False),
        (True, False),
        test_case = 'test({!r}, l, {!r}, {!r})'.format(n, store, alias)
        print test_case, len(l),
        print timeit(test_case, setup=setup)
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jonrsharpe Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11


Function calls in python are costly, so if you are 100% sure that the size of n_files would not change when you are accessing its length from the variable, you can use the variable, if that is what is more readable for you as well.

An Example performance test for both accessing len(list) and accessing from variable , gives the following result -

In [36]: l = list(range(100000))

In [37]: n_l = len(l)

In [40]: %timeit newn = len(l)
10000000 loops, best of 3: 92.8 ns per loop

In [41]: %timeit new_n = n_l
10000000 loops, best of 3: 33.1 ns per loop

Accessing the variable is always faster than using len() .

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Anand S Kumar Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 14:11

Anand S Kumar