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multiprocessing.Pool.imap_unordered with fixed queue size or buffer?

I am reading data from large CSV files, processing it, and loading it into a SQLite database. Profiling suggests 80% of my time is spent on I/O and 20% is processing input to prepare it for DB insertion. I sped up the processing step with multiprocessing.Pool so that the I/O code is never waiting for the next record. But, this caused serious memory problems because the I/O step could not keep up with the workers.

The following toy example illustrates my problem:

#!/usr/bin/env python  # 3.4.3
import time
from multiprocessing import Pool

def records(num=100):
    """Simulate generator getting data from large CSV files."""
    for i in range(num):
        print('Reading record {0}'.format(i))
        time.sleep(0.05)  # getting raw data is fast
        yield i

def process(rec):
    """Simulate processing of raw text into dicts."""
    print('Processing {0}'.format(rec))
    time.sleep(0.1)  # processing takes a little time
    return rec

def writer(records):
    """Simulate saving data to SQLite database."""
    for r in records:
        time.sleep(0.3)  # writing takes the longest
        print('Wrote {0}'.format(r))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = records(100)
    with Pool(2) as pool:
        writer(pool.imap_unordered(process, data, chunksize=5))

This code results in a backlog of records that eventually consumes all memory because I cannot persist the data to disk fast enough. Run the code and you'll notice that Pool.imap_unordered will consume all the data when writer is at the 15th record or so. Now imagine the processing step is producing dictionaries from hundreds of millions of rows and you can see why I run out of memory. Amdahl's Law in action perhaps.

What is the fix for this? I think I need some sort of buffer for Pool.imap_unordered that says "once there are x records that need insertion, stop and wait until there are less than x before making more." I should be able to get some speed improvement from preparing the next record while the last one is being saved.

I tried using NuMap from the papy module (which I modified to work with Python 3) to do exactly this, but it wasn't faster. In fact, it was worse than running the program sequentially; NuMap uses two threads plus multiple processes.

Bulk import features of SQLite are probably not suited to my task because the data need substantial processing and normalization.

I have about 85G of compressed text to process. I'm open to other database technologies, but picked SQLite for ease of use and because this is a write-once read-many job in which only 3 or 4 people will use the resulting database after everything is loaded.

like image 398
ChrisP Avatar asked May 26 '15 01:05


People also ask

How do processes pools work in multiprocessing?

Pool is generally used for heterogeneous tasks, whereas multiprocessing. Process is generally used for homogeneous tasks. The Pool is designed to execute heterogeneous tasks, that is tasks that do not resemble each other. For example, each task submitted to the process pool may be a different target function.

When would you use a multiprocessing pool?

Use the multiprocessing pool if your tasks are independent. This means that each task is not dependent on other tasks that could execute at the same time. It also may mean tasks that are not dependent on any data other than data provided via function arguments to the task.

How does pool Apply_async work?

apply_async() The apply_async() function can be called directly to execute a target function in the process pool. The call will not block, but will instead immediately return an AsyncResult object that we can ignore if our function does not return a value.

How many processes should be running Python multiprocessing?

If we are using the context manager to create the process pool so that it is automatically shutdown, then you can configure the number of processes in the same manner. The number of workers must be less than or equal to 61 if Windows is your operating system.

1 Answers

As I was working on the same problem, I figured that an effective way to prevent the pool from overloading is to use a semaphore with a generator:

from multiprocessing import Pool, Semaphore

def produce(semaphore, from_file):
    with open(from_file) as reader:
        for line in reader:
            # Reduce Semaphore by 1 or wait if 0
            # Now deliver an item to the caller (pool)
            yield line

def process(item):
    result = (first_function(item),
    return result

def consume(semaphore, result):
    database_con.cur.execute("INSERT INTO ResultTable VALUES (?,?,?)", result)
    # Result is consumed, semaphore may now be increased by 1

def main()
    global database_con
    semaphore_1 = Semaphore(1024)
    with Pool(2) as pool:
        for result in pool.imap_unordered(process, produce(semaphore_1, "workfile.txt"), chunksize=128):
            consume(semaphore_1, result)

See also:

K Hong - Multithreading - Semaphore objects & thread pool

Lecture from Chris Terman - MIT 6.004 L21: Semaphores

like image 61
Edmund Engmann Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10

Edmund Engmann