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Expanding a block of numbers in Python

Before I asked, I did some googling, and was unable to find an answer.

The scenario I have is this: A list of numbers are passed to the script, either \n-delimited via a file, or comma-delimited via a command line arg. The numbers can be singular, or in blocks, like so:



Command Line Arg:

1, 2, 3, 7-10, 15, 20-25

Both end up in the same list[]. I would like to expand the 7-10 or 20-25 blocks (obviously in the actual script these numbers will vary) and append them onto a new list with the final list looking like this:


I understand that something like .append(range(7,10)) could help me here, but I can't seem to be able to find out which elements of the original list[] have the need for expansion.

So, my question is this: Given a list[]:


how can I get a list[]:

like image 960
Shadow Master Avatar asked May 12 '15 20:05

Shadow Master

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2 Answers


arg = ['1','2','3','7-10','15','20-25']


out = []
for s in arg:
    a, b, *_ = map(int, s.split('-') * 2)
    out.extend(map(str, range(a, b+1)))

Or (in Python 2):

out = []
for s in arg:
    r = map(int, s.split('-'))
    out.extend(map(str, range(r[0], r[-1]+1)))
like image 141
Stefan Pochmann Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 00:10

Stefan Pochmann

So let's say you're given the list:

L = ['1','2','3','7-10','15','20-25']

and you want to expand out all the ranges contained therein:

answer = []
for elem in L:
    if '-' not in elem:
    start, end = elem.split('-')
    answer.extend(map(str, range(int(start), int(end)+1)))

Of course, there's a handy one-liner for this:

answer = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([[e] if '-' not in e else map(str, range(*[int(i) for i in e.split('-')]) + [int(i)]) for e in L]))

But this exploits the nature of leaky variables in python2.7, which I don't think will work in python3. Also, it's not exactly the most readable line of code. So I wouldn't really use it in production, if I were you... unless you really hate your manager.

References:  append()  continue  split()  extend()  map()  range()  list()  itertools.chain.from_iterable()  int()

like image 30
inspectorG4dget Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 01:10
