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Pass SQL functions in dplyr filter function on database

I'm using dplyr's automatic SQL backend to query subtable from a database table. E.g.

my_tbl <- tbl(my_db, "my_table")

where my_table in the database looks like

batch_name    value
batch_A_1     1
batch_A_2     2
batch_A_2     3
batch_B_1     8
batch_B_2     9

I just want the data from batch_A_#, regardless of the number.

If I were writing this in SQL, I could use

select * where batch_name like 'batch_A_%'

If I were writing this in R, I could use a few ways to get this: grepl(), %in%, or str_detect()

# option 1
subtable <- my_tbl %>% select(batch_name, value) %>%
    filter(grepl('batch_A_', batch_name, fixed = T))
# option 2
subtable <- my_tbl %>% select(batch_name, value) %>%
    filter(str_detect(batch_name, 'batch_A_'))

All of these give the following Postgres error: HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts

So, how do I pass in SQL string functions or matching functions to help make the generated dplyr SQL query able to use a more flexible range of functions in filter?

(FYI the %in% function does work, but requires listing out all possible values. This would be okay combined with paste to make a list, but does not work in a more general regex case)

like image 788
Zhe Zhang Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 14:12

Zhe Zhang

1 Answers

A "dplyr-only" solution would be this

tbl(my_con, "my_table") %>% 
  filter(batch_name %like% "batch_A_%") %>% 

Full reprex:


my_con <- 
    user     = "my_user",
    password = "my_password",
    host     = "my_host",
    dbname   = "my_db"

my_table <- tribble(
  ~batch_name,    ~value,
  "batch_A_1",     1,
  "batch_A_2",     2,
  "batch_A_2",     3,
  "batch_B_1",     8,
  "batch_B_2",     9

copy_to(my_con, my_table)

tbl(my_con, "my_table") %>% 
  filter(batch_name %like% "batch_A_%") %>% 
#> # A tibble: 3 x 2
#>   batch_name value
#> *      <chr> <dbl>
#> 1  batch_A_1     1
#> 2  batch_A_2     2
#> 3  batch_A_2     3

#> [1] TRUE

This works because any functions that dplyr doesn't know how to translate will be passed along as is, see ?dbplyr::translate\_sql.

Hat-tip to @PaulRougieux for his recent comment here

like image 60
dpprdan Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 09:01
