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Laravel - How do I select all where column is equals to x or y or z (and on..)? [duplicate]

I'm working on Laravel framework version 5.1

How do I select all of my rows from an eloquent model where his abc column equals to a or b or c?

Sorry if I haven't explained myself very well.

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Eliya Cohen Avatar asked Dec 19 '22 20:12

Eliya Cohen

1 Answers

You just chain the conditions:

App\SomeModel::where('abc', 'a')->orWhere('abc', 'b')->orWhere('abc', 'c')->get();

Or as an alternative you can use whereIn for more compact solution:

App\SomeModel::whereIn('abc', ['a', 'b', 'c'])->get();

Which checks if the value of the abc column is present in the array passed.

You can check out the Laravel documentation for more info on using Where Clauses.

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Bogdan Avatar answered May 06 '23 02:05
