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Query for iLike list in PostgreSQL




I'm writing an inefficient query as follows:

WHERE (Field iLIKE '%cat%' OR Field iLIKE '%dog%' OR Field  iLIKE '%animal%' OR Field  iLIKE '%pet%') 

whereas what I would like to write is:

WHERE Field iLIKE ('%cat%','%dog%','%animal%','%pet%')

Is there an easy way to accomplish this?

like image 306
ZJAY Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 15:12


2 Answers

You can get the powerful regular expression operators ~ and ~* for case insensitive:

WHERE Field ~* '(cat|dog|animal|pet)'

SIMILAR TO is case sensitive, so you'd have to do:

WHERE Field SIMILAR TO '%([Cc][Aa][Tt]|[Dd][Oo][Gg]|[Aa][Nn][Ii][Mm][Aa][Ll]|[Pp][Ee][Tt])%'

ANY ARRAY will work too, but the perfomance is worse:

WHERE Field ILIKE ANY (array['%cat%','%dog%','%animal%','%pet%'])

With some dummy data with 1000000 rows with a BTREE INDEX in Field, I get these results:

  Operator    Time (secs) 
 ~*           1.5         
 SIMILAR TO   1.4         
 ANY ARRAY    4.0         
 OR OR OR...  4.0         
like image 190
caiohamamura Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 00:12


select 'cata' ilike any (array['%cat%','%dog%','%animal%','%pet%']);
like image 26
Clodoaldo Neto Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 23:12

Clodoaldo Neto