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Parse.com 'Explorer' view custom event counts inconsistent with 'Events' view?

I am using the Parse.com REST API to track two kinds of custom events each with up to 3 dimensions.

The 'Custom Breakdown' view of Analytics -> Events (https://www.parse.com/apps/oss-hit-upload-test#events) interface says that I have recorded 1909 of one event type and 805 of the other. I believe these counts to be correct as they match the input data.

In contrast, Analytics -> Explorer -> 'Make a table' (e.g. https://www.parse.com/apps/oss-hit-upload-test/explorer/559b7ed679bd3e69de000006) is returning only 1,284 rows when I ask it for every custom event.

I am looking at the same time period for both interfaces.

The counts are inconsistent. Is this a bug or am I using the Explorer interface incorrectly? I know that within Parse it is only possible to fetch 1,000 records at a time. Maybe this (or a similar) limitation applies to the Explorer interface? Or maybe Explorer uses some kind of sampling?

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astletron Avatar asked Jul 07 '15 07:07


1 Answers

Yes, it appears to be a glitch in Explorer.

I have been able to reproduce the problem using my Parse.com app and following the steps exactly. I receive a much lower than expected number in Parse Explorer. For now, I would trust the Analytics numbers.

FWIW, on one particular event, my counts were 41579 in Analytics and 31848 in Explorer, a ratio of 1.3055. I see that your ratio was around 2.11, which means the problem is more idiosyncratic than a simple difference in how events are recorded. This points to a deeper problem with how Parse's numbers add up.

NOTE: I will ask the Parse team if they have any suggestions and report back.

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Ryan Kreager Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10

Ryan Kreager