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Saving an Image from URL in Parse.com using CloudCode

I have been struggling with saving a file I retrieve from an HTTP Request for a a few days now. Here is my code:

    url: "https://ss1.4sqi.net/img/categories_v2/food/vietnamese_88.png",
    success: function(httpImgFile) 
        console.log("httpImgFile: " + String(httpImgFile.buffer));
        var imgFile = new Parse.File("imgFile1.png", httpImgFile.buffer);                                               
        object.set("location", "newYork"); //object is a PFObject retrieved earlier
        object.set("icon1", imgFile);
        object.save(null, {
          success: function(gameScore) {
            response.success("saved object");
          error: function(gameScore, error) {
            response.error("failed to save object");
    error: function(httpResponse) 
        console.log("unsuccessful http request");

The error I get is:

Failed with: TypeError: Cannot call method 'then' of undefined
    at Object.b.File.save (Parse.js:2:14963)
    at null.<anonymous> (Parse.js:2:30041)
    at e (Parse.js:2:6339)
    at Parse.js:2:7092
    at g (Parse.js:2:6829)
    at c.extend.then (Parse.js:2:7077)
    at Parse.js:2:30016
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at Function.x.each.x.forEach (Parse.js:1:661)
    at Function.b.Object._deepSaveAsync (Parse.js:2:29993)

The weirdest part about all this is that the error only occurs when I include the line object.set("icon1", imgFile) I am able to to modify the location of object without problem. The error occurs solely when I try to save the imgFile to icon1

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

like image 356
Ankush Agrawal Avatar asked Sep 23 '14 01:09

Ankush Agrawal

1 Answers

As per the documentation (https://parse.com/docs/js_guide#files) you have to save the Parse File before you can set it on another object.


imgFile.save().then(function () {

    object.set("icon1", imgFile);

    return object.save();

}).then(function (gameScore) {
    response.success("saved object");
}, function (error) {
   response.error("failed to save object");

I also rewrote this part of the function to illustrate the promise pattern, as it is a little easier when dealing with a series of requests like this.

like image 59
Tom Erik Støwer Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10

Tom Erik Støwer