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Setting label text after completing block Swift

I want to set user name to a label because my block ("findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock") is taking time to complete and label.text sets nil .

how to set label text after completing the block??

class test {         

var userName: String? // variable to access user name returned by block        
private func loadData() {      

lblUserName.text = userName       



This is the block where i am getting user data from Parse.

private func getCurrentUser() {         

        if PFUser.currentUser() != nil { 

            currentUser = PFUser.currentUser()?.username    
            let query = PFQuery(className: "_User")    
            query.whereKey("username", equalTo: currentUser!)    
            query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock { (currentUsers, error) -> Void in 
                if error == nil {     
                    for user in currentUsers! {     
                       userName = user["name"] as? String      
like image 951
S. Bharti Avatar asked Feb 10 '16 07:02

S. Bharti

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2 Answers

You can use a property observer here like this:

var userName: String? {
    didset {
       if let name = username {
           lblUserName.text = name
like image 133
Guy Daher Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09

Guy Daher

You can add a completion handler function argument to your getCurrentUser function and call that handler when you retrived the data:

private func getCurrentUser(completion: (result: String) -> Void) {         
    if PFUser.currentUser() != nil { 
        currentUser = PFUser.currentUser()?.username    
        let query = PFQuery(className: "_User")    
        query.whereKey("username", equalTo: currentUser!)    
        query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock { (currentUsers, error) -> Void in 
            if error == nil {     
                for user in currentUsers! {     
                   completion(user["name"] as? String)     

Then pass the complition function like this:

getCurrentUser() { (result: String) in
    self.lblUserName.text = result

I cannot prove it is fully working code as I don't have XCode now to test it. But you should get the idea.

like image 34
Dmitry Klochkov Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09

Dmitry Klochkov