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How to record push open from Parse Push notification

I am using Parse (parse 1.9.2) to send push notification to Android and IOS with React Native. However, even if I click on the notification and the app opened, Parse does not record this event. What do I have to do to record with Parse that this notification is opened. When I open Past Push on Parse dashboard, it always said that N/A Notifications Opens. Please help

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Thang Pham Avatar asked Jun 09 '17 07:06

Thang Pham

People also ask

What is push notification open rate?

The "open rate" or "click rate" is the total of opened notifications (direct + influenced) / total of notifications sent to users who accepted to receive push notifications and are not in the imported segment. In short, it helps you measure the user's reaction to your push notifications.

What is MoEngage push notification?

FCM details: MoEngage uses FCM Project Number and corresponding API Server Key to send a push notification. To get those, use MoEngage's Shared FCM credentials, and select Custom to enter the details of your projects. Push icon: Upload your logo to show your brand's icon in push notifications.

Do push notifications work when app is open?

App publishers can send them at any time, since users don't have to be in the app or using their devices to receive them. Push notifications look like SMS text messages and mobile alerts, but they only reach users who have installed your app.

1 Answers

You probably should add


to your onPushOpen implementation in your ParsePushBroadcastReceiver implementation.

Please refer to: http://parseplatform.org/Parse-SDK-Android/api/com/parse/ParseAnalytics.html#trackAppOpenedInBackground(android.content.Intent)

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Federico De Gioannini Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10

Federico De Gioannini