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Pandas: nan->None

pandas.DataFrame.to_dict converts nan to nan and null to None. As explained in Python comparison ignoring nan this is sometimes suboptimal.

Is there a way to convert all nans to None? (either in pandas or later on in Python)


>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"a":[1,None],"b":[None,"foo"]})
>>> df
     a     b
0  1.0  None
1  NaN   foo
>>> df.to_dict()
{'a': {0: 1.0, 1: nan}, 'b': {0: None, 1: 'foo'}}

I want

{'a': {0: 1.0, 1: None}, 'b': {0: None, 1: 'foo'}}


like image 532
sds Avatar asked Jan 25 '18 22:01


2 Answers

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({"a":[1,None],"b":[None,"foo"]})
df.where((pd.notnull(df)), None)
      a     b
0     1  None
1  None   foo
df.where((pd.notnull(df)), None).to_dict()
Out[851]: {'a': {0: 1.0, 1: None}, 'b': {0: None, 1: 'foo'}}
like image 193
BENY Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10


Initialise as an object DataFrame (at your peril...):

df = pd.DataFrame({"a":[1,None],"b":[None,"foo"]}, dtype=object)    

      a     b
0     1  None
1  None   foo

In the first column, pandas attempts to infer the dtype, and guesses float. You can prevent that by forcing it to remain object thereby suppressing any type of conversion at all.

like image 34
cs95 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10
