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Override Python's 'in' operator?

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Which function overloads >> operator in Python?

7. Which function overloads the >> operator? Explanation: __rshift__() overloads the >> operator.

What is the IN operator in Python?

The 'in' Operator in Python The in operator works with iterable types, such as lists or strings, in Python. It is used to check if an element is found in the iterable. The in operator returns True if an element is found. It returns False if not.

What is __ add __ in Python?

The __add__() method in Python specifies what happens when you call + on two objects. When you call obj1 + obj2, you are essentially calling obj1. __add__(obj2). For example, let's call + on two int objects: n1 = 10.

MyClass.__contains__(self, item)

A more complete answer is:

class MyClass(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.numbers = [1,2,3,4,54]

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in self.numbers

Here you would get True when asking if 54 was in m:

>>> m = MyClass()
>>> 54 in m

See documentation on overloading __contains__.

You might also want to take a look at an infix operator override framework I was able to use to create a domain-specific language:
