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Python app does not print anything when running detached in docker

People also ask

How do I run a docker image in detached mode?

Run in detached mode Docker can run your container in detached mode or in the background. To do this, we can use the --detach or -d for short. Docker will start your container the same as before but this time will “detach” from the container and return you to the terminal prompt.

What does it mean to run a docker container in detached mode?

Detached mode, shown by the option --detach or -d , means that a Docker container runs in the background of your terminal. It does not receive input or display output.

What is the difference between entrypoint and CMD in docker?

The ENTRYPOINT instruction looks almost similar to the CMD instruction. However, the main highlighting difference between them is that it will not ignore any of the parameters that you have specified in the Docker run command (CLI parameters).

Finally I found a solution to see Python output when running daemonized in Docker, thanks to @ahmetalpbalkan over at GitHub. Answering it here myself for further reference :

Using unbuffered output with

CMD ["python","-u","main.py"]

instead of

CMD ["python","main.py"]

solves the problem; you can see the output (both, stderr and stdout) via

docker logs myapp


In my case, running Python with -u didn't change anything. What did the trick, however, was to set PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 as environment variable:

docker run --name=myapp -e PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 -d myappimage

[Edit]: Updated PYTHONUNBUFFERED=0 to PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 after Lars's comment. This doesn't change the behavior and adds clarity.

See this article which explain detail reason for the behavior:

There are typically three modes for buffering:

  • If a file descriptor is unbuffered then no buffering occurs whatsoever, and function calls that read or write data occur immediately (and will block).
  • If a file descriptor is fully-buffered then a fixed-size buffer is used, and read or write calls simply read or write from the buffer. The buffer isn’t flushed until it fills up.
  • If a file descriptor is line-buffered then the buffering waits until it sees a newline character. So data will buffer and buffer until a \n is seen, and then all of the data that buffered is flushed at that point in time. In reality there’s typically a maximum size on the buffer (just as in the fully-buffered case), so the rule is actually more like “buffer until a newline character is seen or 4096 bytes of data are encountered, whichever occurs first”.

And GNU libc (glibc) uses the following rules for buffering:

Stream               Type          Behavior
stdin                input         line-buffered
stdout (TTY)         output        line-buffered
stdout (not a TTY)   output        fully-buffered
stderr               output        unbuffered

So, if use -t, from docker document, it will allocate a pseudo-tty, then stdout becomes line-buffered, thus docker run --name=myapp -it myappimage could see the one-line output.

And, if just use -d, no tty was allocated, then, stdout is fully-buffered, one line App started surely not able to flush the buffer.

Then, use -dt to make stdout line buffered or add -u in python to flush the buffer is the way to fix it.

If you want to add your print output to your Flask output when running docker-compose up, add the following to your docker compose file.



Since I haven't seen this answer yet:

You can also flush stdout after you print to it:

import time

if __name__ == '__main__':
    while True:
        print('cleaner is up', flush=True)